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Camif 2023: The youths honored

The 2023 edition of the Cameroon International Film Festival (Camif) has been scheduled to take place from the 24th to the 29th of april 2023.

The information was made known public yesterday at a press conference convened by the organising committee of Camif.

Speaking at the press conference, the Ceo of Camif Mr Agbor Gilbert revealed that the festival this year will witness innovations like recognition to social media content creators and as part of the festival, there will be a business workshop to take place on thursday April 27.

Speaking at the press Mr Agbor Gilbert expressed optimism ahead of the festival citing that there are big surprises on the horizon, « this year we are going to be recognising young people who are doing online social media content creation. We will also give them an opportunity to showcase their content. We’ll have a film and business workshop. We are making efforts to get our films on international events »

Camif is a yearly festival which is an initiative to give spotlight to the movie and entertainment industry in Cameroon. It counts a series of landmark achievements within and out of the African continent.

Rene Isah

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