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Five Kids Orphaned days After the Tripple Explosions during the Mountain Race In Buea.

A woman identified as Nji Linda has died days after receiving treatment for the injuries sustained when an improvised explosive device was detonated on last Saturday February 25 2023.

The woman who died during the early hours of February 28 is confirmed to have sustained several injuries alongside her five kids aged between 2yrs and 10yrs around the Bonduma Gate neighbourhood as she unsuspectingly stood to watch and cheer up athletes taking part in the 28th edition of the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope .The edition was marked by insecurity and threats by non state armed actors to disrupt the race.

It should be noted that the unfortunate incident was condemned by both state authorities and civil society leaders but , it is however untold how much assistance was brought to the victims of the explosions even though the minister of sports and physical education Professor Narcisse Mouelle Kombe visited them at the Buea regional hospital.

Her death has sparked a new wave of criticism and a call for what many refer to as a senseless war to be brought to an end.

In the meantime, over a dozen others are still admitted in the hospital as they are currently battling between life and death.

The 28th edition of the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope may have culminated, but it is certain that news about it will still be making headlines on different media platforms around.


Rene Isah

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