27 C
dimanche, mars 9, 2025
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Health : At the rescue of the mental health of youngsters in the south west region 

A project which has as objective to promote sound mental health amongst young people in the south west region has officially been launched in Buea.

The project which focuses on raising awareness and working towards ensuring a sound mental health amongst young people from different walks of life is an initiative of the Lifafa Research Foundation in collaboration with the south west regional delegation of youth affairs and civic education in partnership with the south west regional delegation of public health.

Within the context of the project psychosocial support and counseling and other necessary medical dispositions will be put in place in the region.

The initiative has been described as relevant given it comes at a time when so many young persons in the south west region just like those of the north west region have been badly affected by the combined effects of both the anglophone crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic which broke out in the past few years.

The relevance of the project is also highlighted by the fact that a lot of young people in the region are reported to be grappling with problems of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression and even addiction to hard drugs leading to breakdown in their mental health.



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