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mercredi, mars 5, 2025
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Education : A digital library for the faculty of arts Buea 

Students and the staff of the department of Performing and Visual Arts of the Faculty of Arts of University of Buea have been introduced to a digital library that provides access to a collection of publication and research works on cinematography in Cameroon.

A ceremony to introduce the University of buea ‘s Community to the digital library known as CampusCena3.0 and to provide sensitisation on how to gain access to the platform took place yesterday April 5 2023 on the campus of the University of Buea.

The innovation is expected to solve an age old problem of access to research works and publications done in cinematography in most francophone African countries of South of the Sahara.

The digital library is substance of the Association for Inter-University Research on cinematography known by its French acronym ASIREX and a project dubbed CampusCena3.0.

Speaking during the event, the president of ASIREX, Dr Yadia said this is a dream come true for many students and lecturers of the department.

The initiative was commended by authorities and scholars who say it will pave the way for more quality and purposeful thesis .


Rene Isah.

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