32 C
mardi, mars 4, 2025
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Buea:Accidents May Occur As ENEO Abandons Dilapidating Electric Poles With Live Wires.

Denizens of Sandpit say electric poles in their area are a danger as the public utility company charged with the supply and distribution of electricity (ENEO) has given a deaf ear to their complaints.

They say, they have complained on several accounts to authorities at the regional bureau of the office about the advanced state of dilapidation of some of their poles which have continously posed great dangers to them but the company has remained oblivious to their concerns.

Fru, a local fuel vendor around says they have to walk in the middle of the road as they fear the poles might fall at anytime. He adds that, even walking in the middle of the road is not enough guarantee that when the poles eventually fall, they’ll not hit someone. His main worry now is who will be the victim.

It is the rainy season and during this period in Buea it usually comes with violent winds. The hope of many is that of decisive and meaningful measures to be taken to address the worrisome situation.


Rene Isah, Buea.

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